Guest Column | September 1, 2015

Retailers Beware: Fake Omnichannel Is Real

Fake Omnichannel

By Andy Lloyd, NetSuite

“Omnichannel” is a hot buzzword in many industries, so it’s no surprise that so many commerce-related software vendors have draped their offerings with an omnichannel cloak. At the same time, many businesses think they can easily provide an omnichannel brand experience with their existing systems, when in fact they’re stuck in the fomni world.

Fomni is short for fake omnichannel — typically a collection of point solutions stitched together that can’t deliver on rising consumer expectations for a relevant and consistent experience across every touchpoint. In fact, much of the technology that is being used was built to help employees do their jobs better, not serve the needs of empowered customers.

Watch this video to learn more about Fomni. /watch?v=XKTMfRcheRI&

Some vendors argue that manually connecting best-of-breed applications — ecommerce, POS, marketing, order management, CRM, ERP — will turn siloed lemons into omnichannel lemonade. But because each system is standalone and channel-specific, they can never truly communicate with each other in real time or with 100% accuracy.

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