Coborn’s Inc., a grocery retailer based in St. Cloud, Minnesota, recently celebrated a video surveillance milestone — having just replaced the last of the March Networks video recorders it purchased a decade ago with a March Networks 8000 Series Hybrid NVR.
The mid-West grocery retailer has consistently upgraded and expanded its systems during that 10-year span and now has more than two hundred March Networks hybrid recorders, including new 8000 Series units and a growing Command Enterprise server-based deployment in North Dakota.
Interoperability and centralized management of different recorder models and cameras maximizes Coborn’s investment in video surveillance infrastructure.
“That’s one of the things I like about being a March Networks customer,” said Scott Mineart, Coborn’s loss control project manager. “I don’t have to forklift out everything I have in order to introduce new technology. Everything works with everything. That compatibility weighs heavily in our decision-making process.”
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