Guest Column | May 30, 2013

Retailers: Compliance With the Affordable Care Act And Engagement With Employees Both Benefit From Straightforward HCM Technology

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Today's Retailing Demands A Strategic Approach To HCM, Dayforce Guest Series

By John Orr, chief strategy officer, Dayforce

Catch up on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

This is the final installment in a four-part series on human capital management (HCM) for retailers. The past three installments have explored the many ways retail organizations can employ HCM technology to help carry out best-practices in improving, for instance, employee engagement and the efficiency of their human resource processes.

The latter, the efficiency of HR technology, is about to become as critical as ever not only to retail organizations’ ability to foster goodwill with employees, but also to their ability to follow the law. Regulations are tightening on businesses, and regulatory compliance related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), especially, will make having the right HCM technology in place a necessity, not just a luxury. The time to prepare is now, literally. A need to replace what isn’t working with something better is sel-evident. Fortunately, retailers that change their technology in order to improve their ability to follow the law will improve their engagement with employees, too.

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